PhD Student (gn*) Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Biomedical Engineering

Kennziffer:  10198

Fixed-term of 3 years | Part-time with 65% | Salary grade TV-L E13 | Projekt on enhancement of dynamic PET/MRI data for integrated quantification of molecular immune responses | European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)


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The group of Dr. Florian Büther and Prof. Philipp Backhaus is embedded both in the inter-faculty European Institute of Molecular Imaging, University of Münster, and the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Münster. Our research focuses on mechanisms of the innate immune system, its regulation and therapeutic modulation in clinically relevant inflammatory diseases and preclinical models. In this project, we are particularly interested in establishing different methods for enhancing the statistical qualities of PET/MRI data, with a special focus on denoising strategies for dynamic PET in both clinical and preclinical applications. To this end, different conventional as well as AI-based approaches will be investigated. For further information about the group, please visit our webpage. The project is embedded in a DFG Clinical Research Centre “Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation”. Within this Centre, we are working together with Computer Science and Applied Mathematics specialists of the University of Münster (groups of Prof. Jiang and Prof. Wirth) as well as experts on magnetic resonance imaging (group of Prof. Faber) – ideally with you on board!



  • Master degree in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Biomedical Engineering
  • Strong interest in the physics and mathematics involved in molecular and magnetic resonance imaging
  • Experience with programming
  • We encourage applicants with a broad analytical interest, as the job holder will contribute both to the development of new methods and their application to investigate preclinical disease models as well as clinical problems.
  • Oral and written communication skills - English (required) and German (desired)
  • Ability to work effectively in an interdisciplinary team



  • An employment contract initially limited to three years with longer-term prospects
  • A broad education and training in the structured graduate programme of our highly interactive consortium (CRC inSight)
  • State-of-the-art imaging equipment including Bruker 7 T small animal MRI with PET insert, 3 T Siemens mMR clinical PET/MRI scanner and to be installed total body PET/CT
  • Career development in a multidisciplinary and committed research team


For inquiries, please contact: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Florian Büther; T 0251 83-49336


Apply now via our career portal until 12.02.2025 including:

  • Cover letter describing your research interest and why you are suitable for the position (maximum 1 page)
  • CV including a list of relevant publications
  • Copy of the official academic transcript of your degree or a letter stating when your degree will be obtained
  • Names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers for academic references/recommendation letters
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